PypeIt Parameters

PypeIt allows you to customize its execution without having to change the code directly.

Although not ubiquitous, most optional arguments of PypeIt’s algorithms are contained within the pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar superset. See the Current PypeItPar Parameter Hierarchy below for the current structure of a pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar instance.

More importantly, each instrument served provides its own default values for pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar as defined by its default_pypeit_par method; e.g., pypeit.spectrographs.shane_kast.ShaneKastSpectrograph.default_pypeit_par(). Users can alter these parameters via the PypeIt file, see PypeIt Reduction File. Only those parameters that the user wishes to be different from the default used for their specified instrument need to be includes in the PypeIt file.

PypeIt uses the configobj class to parse the user supplied arguments. The syntax is important and the nesting of the parameter changes must match the Current PypeItPar Parameter Hierarchy. Examples of `How to change parameters using the PypeIt file`_ are given below.

Current PypeItPar Parameter Hierarchy

PypeItPar Keywords

[rdx]: ReducePar Keywords

[calibrations]: CalibrationsPar Keywords

[[biasframe]]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[[darkframe]]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[[arcframe]]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[[tiltframe]]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[[pixelflatframe]]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[[pinholeframe]]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[[traceframe]]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[[standardframe]]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[[flatfield]]: FlatFieldPar Keywords

[[wavelengths]]: WavelengthSolutionPar Keywords

[[slits]]: TraceSlitsPar Keywords

[[tilts]]: WaveTiltsPar Keywords

[scienceframe]: FrameGroupPar Keywords

[scienceimage]: ScienceImagePar Keywords

[flexure]: FlexurePar Keywords

[fluxcalib]: FluxCalibrationPar Keywords

PypeItPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar

Key Type Options Default Description
rdx pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ReducePar ReducePar Keywords PypIt reduction rules.
calibrations pypeit.par.pypeitpar.CalibrationsPar CalibrationsPar Keywords Parameters for the calibration algorithms
scienceframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for the science observations
scienceimage pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ScienceImagePar ScienceImagePar Keywords Parameters determining sky-subtraction, object finding, and extraction
flexure pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FlexurePar FlexurePar Keywords Parameters used by the flexure-correction procedure. Flexure corrections are not performed by default. To turn on, either set the parameters in the ‘flexure’ parameter group or set ‘flexure = True’ in the ‘rdx’ parameter group to use the default flexure-correction parameters.
fluxcalib pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar FluxCalibrationPar Keywords Parameters used by the flux-calibration procedure. Flux calibration is not performed by default. To turn on, either set the parameters in the ‘fluxcalib’ parameter group or set ‘fluxcalib = True’ in the ‘rdx’ parameter group to use the default flux-calibration parameters.

ReducePar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ReducePar

Key Type Options Default Description
spectrograph str gemini_gnirs, keck_deimos, keck_lris_blue, keck_lris_red, keck_lris_red_longonly, keck_nires, keck_hires_red, keck_hires_blue, mmt_binospec, keck_nirspec_low, shane_kast_blue, shane_kast_red, shane_kast_red_ret, tng_dolores, wht_isis_blue, vlt_xshooter_uvb, vlt_xshooter_vis, magellan_fire, magellan_mage, vlt_xshooter_nir, gemini_gmos_south_ham, gemini_gmos_north_e2v, gemini_gmos_north_ham, lbt_mods1r, lbt_mods1b, lbt_mods2r, lbt_mods2b, vlt_fors2 Spectrograph that provided the data to be reduced. Options are: gemini_gnirs, keck_deimos, keck_lris_blue, keck_lris_red, keck_lris_red_longonly, keck_nires, keck_hires_red, keck_hires_blue, mmt_binospec, keck_nirspec_low, shane_kast_blue, shane_kast_red, shane_kast_red_ret, tng_dolores, wht_isis_blue, vlt_xshooter_uvb, vlt_xshooter_vis, magellan_fire, magellan_mage, vlt_xshooter_nir, gemini_gmos_south_ham, gemini_gmos_north_e2v, gemini_gmos_north_ham, lbt_mods1r, lbt_mods1b, lbt_mods2r, lbt_mods2b, vlt_fors2
detnum int, list Restrict reduction to a list of detector indices
sortroot str A filename given to output the details of the sorted files. If None, the default is the root name of the pypeit file. If off, no output is produced.
calwin int, float 0 The window of time in hours to search for calibration frames for a science frame
scidir str Science Directory relative to calling directory to write science files.
qadir str QA Directory relative to calling directory to write quality assessment files.
redux_path str /Users/westfall/Work/packages/pypeit/doc Path to folder for performing reductions.
ignore_bad_headers bool False Ignore bad headers (NOT recommended unless you know it is safe).

CalibrationsPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.CalibrationsPar

Key Type Options Default Description
caldir str Masters Directory relative to calling directory to write master files.
setup str If masters=’force’, this is the setup name to be used: e.g., C_02_aa . The detector number is ignored but the other information must match the Master Frames in the master frame folder.
trim bool True Trim the frame to isolate the data
badpix bool True Make a bad pixel mask? Bias frames must be provided.
biasframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for the bias correction
darkframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for the dark-current correction
arcframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for the wavelength calibration
tiltframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for the wavelength tilts
pixelflatframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for the field flattening
pinholeframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for the pinholes
traceframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for images used for slit tracing
standardframe pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar FrameGroupPar Keywords The frames and combination rules for the spectrophotometric standard observations
flatfield pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FlatFieldPar FlatFieldPar Keywords Parameters used to set the flat-field procedure
wavelengths pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar WavelengthSolutionPar Keywords Parameters used to derive the wavelength solution
slits pypeit.par.pypeitpar.TraceSlitsPar TraceSlitsPar Keywords Define how the slits should be traced using the trace ?PINHOLE? frames
tilts pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WaveTiltsPar WaveTiltsPar Keywords Define how to tract the slit tilts using the trace frames

FlatFieldPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FlatFieldPar

Key Type Options Default Description
method str bspline, skip bspline Method used to flat field the data; use skip to skip flat-fielding. Options are: None, bspline, skip
frame str pixelflat Frame to use for field flattening. Options are: “pixelflat”, or a specified calibration filename.
illumflatten bool True Use the flat field to determine the illumination profile of each slit.
spec_samp_fine int, float 1.2 bspline break point spacing in units of pixels for spectral fit to flat field blaze function.
spec_samp_coarse int, float 50.0 bspline break point spacing in units of pixels for 2-d bspline-polynomial fit to flat field image residuals. This should be a large number unless you are trying to fit a sky flat with lots of narrow spectral features.
spat_samp int, float 5.0 Spatial sampling for slit illumination function. This is the width of the median filter in pixels used to determine the slit illumination function, and thus sets the minimum scale on which the illumination function will have features.
tweak_slits bool True Use the illumination flat field to tweak the slit edges. This will work even if illumflatten is set to False
tweak_slits_thresh float 0.93 If tweak_slits is True, this sets the illumination function threshold used to tweak the slit boundaries based on the illumination flat. It should be a number less than 1.0
tweak_slits_maxfrac float 0.1 If tweak_slit is True, this sets the maximum fractional amount (of a slits width) allowed for trimming each (i.e. left and right) slit boundary, i.e. the default is 10% which means slits would shrink or grow by at most 20% (10% on each side)

WavelengthSolutionPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar

Key Type Options Default Description
reference str arc, sky, pixel arc Perform wavelength calibration with an arc, sky frame. Use ‘pixel’ for no wavelength solution.
method str simple, semi-brute, basic, holy-grail, reidentify, full_template holy-grail Method to use to fit the individual arc lines. Most of these methods are now deprecated as they fail most of the time without significant parameter tweaking. ‘holy-grail’ attempts to get a first guess at line IDs by looking for patterns in the line locations. It is fully automated and works really well excpet for when it does not’reidentify’ is now the preferred method, however it requires that an archive of wavelength solution has been constructed for your instrument/grating combination Options are: simple, semi-brute, basic, holy-grail, reidentify, full_template
echelle bool False Is this an echelle spectrograph? If yes an additional 2-d fit wavelength fit will be performed as a function of spectral pixel and order number to improve the wavelength solution
ech_fix_format bool True Is this a fixed format echelle like ESI, X-SHOOTER, or NIRES. If so reidentification will assume that each order in the data is aligned with a single order in the reid arxiv
ech_nspec_coeff int 4 For echelle spectrographs, order of the final 2d fit to the spectral dimension. You should choose this to be the n_final of the fits to the individual orders.
ech_norder_coeff int 4 For echelle spectrographs, order of the final 2d fit to the order dimension.
ech_sigrej int, float 2.0 For echelle spectrographs sigma clipping rejection threshold in 2d fit to spectral and order dimensions
lamps list Name of one or more ions used for the wavelength calibration. Use None for no calibration. Options are: ArI, CdI, HgI, HeI, KrI, NeI, XeI, ZnI, ThAr
nonlinear_counts float 10000000000.0 Arc lines above this saturation threshold are not used in wavelength solution fits because they cannotbe accurately centroided
sigdetect int, float, list, ndarray 5.0 Detection threshold for arc lines. This can be a single number or a list/array providing the value for each slit
fwhm int, float 4.0 Spectral sampling of the arc lines. This is the FWHM of an arcline in unbinned pixels.
reid_arxiv str Name of the archival wavelength solution file that will be used for the wavelength reidentification if the wavelength solution method = reidentify
nreid_min int 1 Minimum number of times that a given candidate reidentified line must be properly matched with a line in the arxiv to be considered a good reidentification. If there is a lot of duplication in the arxiv of the spectra in question (i.e. multislit) set this to a number like 1-4. For echelle this depends on the number of solutions in the arxiv. For fixed format echelle (ESI, X-SHOOTER, NIRES) set this 1. For an echelle with a tiltable grating, it will depend on the number of solutions in the arxiv.
cc_thresh float, list, ndarray 0.7 Threshold for the global cross-correlation coefficient between an input spectrum and member of the archive required to attempt reidentification. Spectra from the archive with a lower cross-correlation are not used for reidentification. This can be a single number or a list/array providing the value for each slit
cc_local_thresh float 0.7 Threshold for the local cross-correlation coefficient, evaluated at each reidentified line, between an input spectrum and the shifted and stretched archive spectrum above which a line must be to be considered a good line for reidentification. The local cross-correlation is evaluated at each candidate reidentified line (using a window of nlocal_cc), and is then used to score the the reidentified lines to arrive at the final set of good reidentifications
nlocal_cc int 11 Size of pixel window used for local cross-correlation computation for each arc line. If not an odd number one will be added to it to make it odd.
rms_threshold float, list, ndarray 0.15 Minimum RMS for keeping a slit/order solution. This can be a single number or a list/array providing the value for each slit
match_toler float 2.0 Matching tolerance in pixels when searching for new lines. This is the difference in pixels between the wavlength assigned to an arc line by an iteration of the wavelength solution to the wavelength in the line list. This parameter is also used as the matching tolerance in pixels for a line reidentification. A good line match must match within this tolerance to the shifted and stretched archive spectrum, and the archive wavelength solution at this match must be within match_toler dispersion elements from the line in line list.
func str legendre Function used for wavelength solution fits
n_first int 2 Order of first guess fit to the wavelength solution.
n_final int, float, list, ndarray 4 Order of final fit to the wavelength solution. This can be a single number or a list/array providing the value for each slit
sigrej_first float 2.0 Number of sigma for rejection for the first guess to the wavelength solution.
sigrej_final float 3.0 Number of sigma for rejection for the final guess to the wavelength solution.
wv_cen float 0.0 Central wavelength. Backwards compatibility with basic and semi-brute algorithms.
disp float 0.0 Dispersion. Backwards compatibility with basic and semi-brute algorithms.
numsearch int 20 Number of brightest arc lines to search for in preliminary identification
nfitpix int 5 Number of pixels to fit when deriving the centroid of the arc lines (an odd number is best)
IDpixels int, float, list One or more pixels at which to manually identify a line
IDwaves int, float, list Wavelengths of the manually identified lines
medium str vacuum, air vacuum Medium used when wavelength calibrating the data. Options are: vacuum, air
frame str observed, heliocentric, barycentric heliocentric Frame of reference for the wavelength calibration. Options are: observed, heliocentric, barycentric
nsnippet int 2 Number of spectra to chop the arc spectrum into when using the full_template method

TraceSlitsPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.TraceSlitsPar

Key Type Options Default Description
function str polynomial, legendre, chebyshev legendre Function use to trace the slit center. Options are: polynomial, legendre, chebyshev
medrep int 0 Median-smoothing iterations to perform on sqrt(trace) image before applying to Sobel filter, which detects slit/order edges.
number int -1 Manually set the number of slits to identify (>=1). ‘auto’ or -1 will automatically identify the number of slits.
trim tuple 0, 0 How much to trim off each edge of each slit. Each number should be 0 or positive
maxgap int Maximum number of pixels to allow for the gap between slits. Use None if the neighbouring slits are far apart or of similar illumination.
maxshift int, float 0.15 Maximum shift in trace crude. Use a larger number for more curved slits/orders.
pad int 0 Integer number of pixels to consider beyond the slit edges.
sigdetect int, float 20.0 Sigma detection threshold for edge detection
min_slit_width float 6.0 If a slit spans less than this number of arcseconds over the spatial direction of the detector, it will be ignored. Use this option to prevent the alignment (box) slits from multislit reductions, which typically cannot be reduced without a significant struggle.
add_slits str, list Add one or more user-defined slits. The syntax to define a slit to add is: ‘det:spec:spat_left:spat_right’ where det=detector, spec=spectral pixel, spat_left=spatial pixel of left slit boundary, and spat_righ=spatial pixel of right slit boundary. For example, ‘2:2000:2121:2322,3:2000:1201:1500’ will add a slit to detector 2 passing through spec=2000 extending spatially from 2121 to 2322 and another on detector 3 at spec=2000 extending from 1201 to 1500.
rm_slits str, list Remove one or more user-specified slits. The syntax used to define a slit to remove is: ‘det:spec:spat’ where det=detector, spec=spectral pixel, spat=spatial pixel. For example, ‘2:2000:2121,3:2000:1500’ will remove the slit on detector 2 that contains pixel (spat,spec)=(2000,2121) and on detector 3 that contains pixel (2000,2121).
diffpolyorder int 2 Order of the 2D function used to fit the 2d solution for the spatial size of all orders.
single list [] Add a single, user-defined slit based on its location on each detector. Syntax is a list of values, 2 per detector, that define the slit according to column values. The second value (for the right edge) must be greater than 0 to be applied. LRISr example: setting single = -1, -1, 7, 295 means the code will skip the user-definition for the first detector but adds one for the second. None means no user-level slits defined.
sobel_mode str nearest, constant nearest Mode for Sobel filtering. Default is ‘nearest’ but the developers find ‘constant’ works best for DEIMOS.
pcaextrap list 0, 0 The number of extra orders to predict in the negative (first number) and positive (second number) direction. Must be two numbers in the list and they must be integers.
smash_range list 0.0, 1.0 Range of the slit in the spectral direction (in fractional units) to smash when searching for slit edges. If the spectrum covers only a portion of the image, use that range.
trace_npoly int 5 Order of legendre polynomial fits to slit/order boundary traces.
mask_frac_thresh float 0.6 Minimum fraction of the slit edge that was not masked to use in initial PCA.

WaveTiltsPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WaveTiltsPar

Key Type Options Default Description
idsonly bool False Only use the arc lines that have an identified wavelength to trace tilts
tracethresh int, float, list, ndarray 20.0 Significance threshold for arcs to be used in tracing wavelength tilts. This can be a single number or a list/array providing the value for each slit
sig_neigh int, float 10.0 Significance threshold for arcs to be used in line identification for the purpose of identifying neighboring lines.The tracethresh parameter above determines the significance threshold of lines that will be traced, but these lines must be at least nfwhm_neigh fwhm away from neighboring lines. This parameter determines the significance above which a line must be to be considered a possible colliding neighbor. A low value of sig_neigh will result in an overall larger number of lines, which will result in more lines above tracethresh getting rejected
nfwhm_neigh int, float 3.0 Required separation between neighboring arc lines for them to be considered for tilt tracing in units of the the spectral fwhm (see wavelength parset where fwhm is defined)
maxdev_tracefit int, float 0.2 Maximum absolute deviation (in units of fwhm) for the legendre polynomial fits to individual arc line tilt fits during iterative trace fitting (flux weighted, then gaussian weighted)
sigrej_trace int, float 3.0 Outlier rejection significance to determine which traced arc lines should be included in the global fit
spat_order int, float, list, ndarray 3 Order of the legendre polynomial to be fit to the the tilt of an arc line. This parameter determinesboth the orer of the individual arc line tilts, as well as the order of the spatial direction of the2d legendre polynomial (spatial, spectral) that is fit to obtain a global solution for the tilts across theslit/order. This can be a single number or a list/array providing the value for each slit
spec_order int, float, list, ndarray 4 Order of the spectral direction of the 2d legendre polynomial (spatial, spectral) that is fit to obtain a global solution for the tilts across the slit/order. This can be a single number or a list/array providing the value for each slit
func2d str legendre2d Type of function for 2D fit
maxdev2d int, float 0.25 Maximum absolute deviation (in units of fwhm) rejection threshold used to determines which pixels in global 2d fits to arc line tilts are rejected because they deviate from the model by more than this value
sigrej2d int, float 3.0 Outlier rejection significance determining which pixels on a fit to an arc line tilt are rejected by the global 2D fit

FrameGroupPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FrameGroupPar

Key Type Options Default Description
frametype str tilt, trace, pinhole, bias, science, arc, standard, pixelflat, dark science Frame type. Options are: tilt, trace, pinhole, bias, science, arc, standard, pixelflat, dark
useframe str science A master calibrations file to use if it exists.
number int 0 Used in matching calibration frames to science frames. This sets the number of frames to use of this type
exprng list None, None Used in identifying frames of this type. This sets the minimum and maximum allowed exposure times. There must be two items in the list. Use None to indicate no limit; i.e., to select exposures with any time greater than 30 sec, use exprng = [30, None].
process pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ProcessImagesPar ProcessImagesPar Keywords Parameters used for basic image processing

ProcessImagesPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ProcessImagesPar

Key Type Options Default Description
overscan str polynomial, savgol, median savgol Method used to fit the overscan. Options are: polynomial, savgol, median
overscan_par int, list 5, 65 Parameters for the overscan subtraction. For ‘polynomial’, set overcan_par = order, number of pixels, number of repeats ; for ‘savgol’, set overscan_par = order, window size ; for ‘median’, set overscan_par = None or omit the keyword.
match int, float -1 (Deprecate?) Match frames with pixel counts that are within N-sigma of one another, where match=N below. If N < 0, nothing is matched.
combine str mean, median, weightmean weightmean Method used to combine frames. Options are: mean, median, weightmean
satpix str reject, force, nothing reject Handling of saturated pixels. Options are: reject, force, nothing
sigrej int, float 20.0 Sigma level to reject cosmic rays (<= 0.0 means no CR removal)
n_lohi list 0, 0 Number of pixels to reject at the lowest and highest ends of the distribution; i.e., n_lohi = low, high. Use None for no limit.
sig_lohi list 3.0, 3.0 Sigma-clipping level at the low and high ends of the distribution; i.e., sig_lohi = low, high. Use None for no limit.
replace str min, max, mean, median, weightmean, maxnonsat maxnonsat If all pixels are rejected, replace them using this method. Options are: min, max, mean, median, weightmean, maxnonsat
lamaxiter int 1 Maximum number of iterations for LA cosmics routine.
grow int, float 1.5 Factor by which to expand regions with cosmic rays detected by the LA cosmics routine.
rmcompact bool True Remove compact detections in LA cosmics routine
sigclip int, float 4.5 Sigma level for rejection in LA cosmics routine
sigfrac int, float 0.3 Fraction for the lower clipping threshold in LA cosmics routine.
objlim int, float 3.0 Object detection limit in LA cosmics routine

ScienceImagePar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ScienceImagePar

Key Type Options Default Description
bspline_spacing int, float 0.6 Break-point spacing for the bspline sky subtraction fits.
boxcar_radius int, float 1.5 Boxcar radius in arcseconds used for boxcar extraction
trace_npoly int 5 Order of legendre polynomial fits to object traces.
global_sky_std bool True Global sky subtraction will be performed on standard stars. This should be turnedoff for example for near-IR reductions with narrow slits, since bright standards canfill the slit causing global sky-subtraction to fail. In these situations we go straight to local sky-subtraction since it is designed to deal with such situations
sig_thresh int, float 10.0 Significance threshold for object finding.
maxnumber int 10 Maximum number of objects to extract in a science frame. Use None for no limit.
sn_gauss int, float 4.0 S/N threshold for performing the more sophisticated optimal extraction which performs a b-spline fit to the object profile. For S/N < sn_gauss the code will simply optimal extractwith a Gaussian with FWHM determined from the object finding.
model_full_slit bool False If True local sky subtraction will be performed on the entire slit. If False, local sky subtraction will be applied to only a restricted region around each object. This should be set to True for either multislit observations using narrow slits or echelle observations with narrow slits
no_poly bool False Turn off polynomial basis (Legendre) in global sky subtraction
manual list List of manual extraction parameter sets
sky_sigrej float 3.0 Rejection parameter for local sky subtraction

FlexurePar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FlexurePar

Key Type Options Default Description
method str boxcar, slitcen, skip skip Method used to correct for flexure. Use skip for no correction. If slitcen is used, the flexure correction is performed before the extraction of objects (not recommended). Options are: None, boxcar, slitcen, skip
maxshift int, float 20 Maximum allowed flexure shift in pixels.
spectrum str /Users/westfall/Work/packages/pypeit/pypeit/data/sky_spec/paranal_sky.fits Archive sky spectrum to be used for the flexure correction.

FluxCalibrationPar Keywords

Class Instantiation: pypeit.par.pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar

Key Type Options Default Description
balm_mask_wid float 5.0 Mask width for Balmer lines in Angstroms.
std_file str Standard star file to generate sensfunc
std_obj_id str, int Specifies object in spec1d file to use as standard. The brightest object found is used otherwise.
sensfunc str FITS file that contains or will contain the sensitivity function.
extinct_correct bool True If extinct_correct=True the code will use an atmospheric extinction model to extinction correct the data below 10000A. Note that this correction makes no sense if one is telluric correcting and this shold be set to False
telluric_correct bool False If telluric_correct=True the code will grab the sens_dict[‘telluric’] tag from the sensfunc dictionary and apply it to the data.
star_type str Spectral type of the standard star (for near-IR mainly)
star_mag float Magnitude of the standard star (for near-IR mainly)
multi_det list List of detector numbers to splice together for multi-detector instruments (e.g. DEIMOS) They are assumed to be in order of increasing wavelength And that there is no overlap in wavelength across detectors (might be ok if there is)
telluric bool False If telluric=True the code creates a synthetic standard star spectrum using the Kurucz models, the sens func is created setting nresln=1.5 it contains the correction for telluric lines.
poly_norder int 5 Polynomial order for sensfunc fitting
polycorrect bool True Whether you want to correct the sensfunc with polynomial in the telluric and recombination line regions

Instrument-Specific Default Configuration

The following provides the changes to the global default parameters provided above for each instrument. That is, if one were to include these in the PypeIt file, you would be reproducing the effect of the default_pypeit_par method specific to each derived pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph class.


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = keck_deimos
        useframe = overscan
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 2
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 30
            combine = median
            sig_lohi = 10.0, 10.0
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 3
        exprng = None, 30
        number = 1
        lamps = ArI, NeI, KrI, XeI
        nonlinear_counts = 56360.1
        match_toler = 2.5
        n_first = 3
        sigdetect = 50.0
        trace_npoly = 3
    exprng = 30, None
        sigclip = 4.0
        objlim = 1.5
    method = boxcar


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = keck_lris_blue
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 30
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 3
        exprng = None, 30
        number = 1
        method = full_template
        lamps = NeI, ArI, CdI, KrI, XeI, ZnI, HgI
        nonlinear_counts = 56360.1
        sigdetect = 10.0
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        match_toler = 2.5
        n_first = 3
        sigdetect = 30.0
    exprng = 29, None
    method = boxcar


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = keck_lris_red
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 30
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 3
        exprng = None, 30
        number = 1
        lamps = NeI, ArI, CdI, KrI, XeI, ZnI, HgI
        nonlinear_counts = 49806.6
        sigdetect = 10.0
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        sigdetect = 50.0
        tracethresh = 25
        maxdev_tracefit = 1.0
        spat_order = 4
        spec_order = 7
        maxdev2d = 1.0
        sigrej2d = 5.0
    exprng = 29, None
        sigclip = 5.0
        objlim = 5.0
    bspline_spacing = 0.8
    method = boxcar


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = keck_lris_red
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 30
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 3
        exprng = None, 30
        number = 1
        lamps = NeI, ArI, CdI, KrI, XeI, ZnI, HgI
        nonlinear_counts = 70731.92549999998
        sigdetect = 10.0
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        sigdetect = 50.0
        tracethresh = 25
        maxdev_tracefit = 1.0
        spat_order = 4
        spec_order = 7
        maxdev2d = 1.0
        sigrej2d = 5.0
    exprng = 29, None
        sigclip = 5.0
        objlim = 5.0
    bspline_spacing = 0.8
    method = boxcar


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = keck_nires
        useframe = overscan
        exprng = 20, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 20, None
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        number = 5
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 20
        illumflatten = False
        method = reidentify
        echelle = True
        ech_norder_coeff = 6
        ech_sigrej = 3.0
        lamps = OH_NIRES
        nonlinear_counts = 760000.0
        fwhm = 5.0
        reid_arxiv = keck_nires.json
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        n_final = 3, 4, 4, 4, 4
        tracethresh = 10.0
    useframe = overscan
    exprng = 20, None
        satpix = nothing
        sigclip = 20.0
    bspline_spacing = 0.8


Alterations to the default parameters are:

        exprng = None, 2
        exprng = None, 5
        number = 1
        exprng = 1, None
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 5
        lamps = OH_R24000
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        sigdetect = 200.0
        tracethresh = 10.0
    exprng = 1, None


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = shane_kast_blue
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 61
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 1, 61
        method = full_template
        lamps = CdI, HgI, HeI
        nonlinear_counts = 49806.6
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        match_toler = 2.5
        n_first = 3
        maxdev_tracefit = 0.02
        spec_order = 5
        maxdev2d = 0.02
    exprng = 61, None
    method = boxcar
    spectrum = /Users/westfall/Work/packages/pypeit/pypeit/data/sky_spec/sky_kastb_600.fits


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = shane_kast_red
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 61
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 1, 61
        lamps = NeI, HgI, HeI, ArI
        nonlinear_counts = 49806.6
    exprng = 61, None
    method = boxcar


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = shane_kast_red_ret
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 61
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 3
        exprng = 0, None
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 3
        exprng = 0, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 1, 61
        lamps = NeI, HgI, HeI, ArI
        nonlinear_counts = 91200.0
    exprng = 61, None
    method = boxcar


Alterations to the default parameters are:

        number = 5
        exprng = None, 0.1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 3
        number = 1
    exprng = 1, None


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = wht_isis_blue
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 120
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
            combine = median
            sig_lohi = 10.0, 10.0
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 3
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 120
        method = simple
    exprng = 90, None

VLT XShooter_UVB

Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = vlt_xshooter_uvb
        number = 5
        number = 1
            overscan = median
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        number = 3
            overscan = median
        number = 1
        method = reidentify
        echelle = True
        ech_norder_coeff = 5
        ech_sigrej = 3.0
        lamps = ThAr_XSHOOTER_UVB
        nonlinear_counts = 55900.0
        reid_arxiv = vlt_xshooter_uvb1x1_iraf.json
        rms_threshold = 0.5
        maxshift = 0.5
        sigdetect = 8.0
    useframe = overscan

VLT XShooter_VIS

Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = vlt_xshooter_vis
        useframe = overscan
        number = 5
        useframe = overscan
        number = 1
            overscan = median
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        useframe = overscan
        number = 3
            overscan = median
        number = 1
        tweak_slits_thresh = 0.9
        method = reidentify
        echelle = True
        ech_sigrej = 3.0
        lamps = ThAr_XSHOOTER_VIS
        nonlinear_counts = 56360.1
        fwhm = 11.0
        reid_arxiv = vlt_xshooter_vis1x1.json
        cc_thresh = 0.5
        cc_local_thresh = 0.5
        rms_threshold = 0.5
        n_final = 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3
        maxshift = 0.5
        sigdetect = 8.0
        trace_npoly = 8
        tracethresh = 15
        spec_order = 5
    useframe = overscan
    bspline_spacing = 0.5
    model_full_slit = True

VLT XShooter_NIR

Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = vlt_xshooter_nir
        useframe = none
        number = 5
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        number = 3
        number = 1
        illumflatten = False
        tweak_slits_thresh = 0.9
        method = reidentify
        echelle = True
        ech_nspec_coeff = 5
        ech_norder_coeff = 5
        ech_sigrej = 3.0
        lamps = OH_XSHOOTER
        nonlinear_counts = 172000.0
        sigdetect = 10.0
        fwhm = 5.0
        reid_arxiv = vlt_xshooter_nir.json
        cc_thresh = 0.5
        cc_local_thresh = 0.5
        rms_threshold = 0.25
        maxshift = 0.5
        sigdetect = 120.0
        trace_npoly = 8
        tracethresh = 25.0
        maxdev_tracefit = 0.04
        maxdev2d = 0.04
    useframe = none
        satpix = nothing
        sigclip = 20.0
    bspline_spacing = 0.8
    trace_npoly = 8
    global_sky_std = False
    model_full_slit = True


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = gemini_gnirs
        useframe = overscan
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 30
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 30
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 30
        illumflatten = False
        tweak_slits_thresh = 0.9
        method = reidentify
        echelle = True
        ech_nspec_coeff = 3
        ech_norder_coeff = 5
        ech_sigrej = 3.0
        lamps = OH_GNIRS
        nonlinear_counts = 106500.0
        reid_arxiv = gemini_gnirs.json
        cc_thresh = 0.6
        rms_threshold = 1.0
        n_final = 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
        maxshift = 0.5
        sigdetect = 50.0
        tracethresh = 5.0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
        sig_neigh = 5.0
        nfwhm_neigh = 2.0
    useframe = overscan
    exprng = 30, None
    bspline_spacing = 0.8
    global_sky_std = False
    sig_thresh = 5.0
    model_full_slit = True
    no_poly = True


Alterations to the default parameters are:

        number = 5
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
            combine = median
            sig_lohi = 10.0, 10.0
        number = 3
        number = 1
        lamps = CuI, ArI, ArII
        rms_threshold = 0.4
        trace_npoly = 3


Alterations to the default parameters are:

        number = 5
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
            combine = median
            sig_lohi = 10.0, 10.0
        number = 3
        number = 1
        lamps = CuI, ArI, ArII
        rms_threshold = 0.4
        trace_npoly = 3


Alterations to the default parameters are:

        number = 5
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
            combine = median
            sig_lohi = 10.0, 10.0
        number = 3
        number = 1
        lamps = CuI, ArI, ArII
        rms_threshold = 0.4
        trace_npoly = 3


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = magellan_fire
        useframe = overscan
        exprng = 20, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 20, None
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        number = 5
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 60
        echelle = True
        ech_sigrej = 3.0
        lamps = OH_XSHOOTER
        nonlinear_counts = 20000.0
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        maxshift = 0.5
        sigdetect = 50
        tracethresh = 10, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 10
    exprng = 20, None
        satpix = nothing
        sigclip = 20.0


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = magellan_mage
        useframe = overscan
        exprng = 20, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 20, None
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 3
        number = 3
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 20
        echelle = True
        ech_sigrej = 3.0
        lamps = ThAr
        nonlinear_counts = 64879.65
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        maxshift = 3.0
        tracethresh = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
    exprng = 20, None
        satpix = nothing
        sigclip = 20.0


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = keck_hires_red
        number = 5
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        number = 3
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 600
        echelle = True
        ech_sigrej = 3.0
        lamps = ThAr
        nonlinear_counts = 56360.1
        rms_threshold = 0.25
        maxshift = 0.5
        sigdetect = 600.0
    exprng = 600, None
        satpix = nothing
        sigclip = 20.0


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = lbt_mods1r
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 60
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 1, 200
        lamps = OH_MODS
        nonlinear_counts = 64879.65
        fwhm = 10.0
        rms_threshold = 1.0
        n_first = 1
        sigdetect = 300
        maxdev_tracefit = 0.02
        spat_order = 5
        spec_order = 5
        maxdev2d = 0.02
    exprng = 200, None


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = lbt_mods1b
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 60
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 1, 200
        lamps = XeI, ArII, ArI, NeI, KrI
        nonlinear_counts = 64879.65
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        n_first = 1
        sigdetect = 300
        maxdev_tracefit = 0.02
        spec_order = 5
        maxdev2d = 0.02
    exprng = 200, None


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = lbt_mods2r
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 60
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 1, 200
        lamps = OH_MODS
        nonlinear_counts = 64879.65
        fwhm = 10.0
        rms_threshold = 1.0
        n_first = 1
        sigdetect = 300
        maxdev_tracefit = 0.02
        spec_order = 5
        maxdev2d = 0.02
    exprng = 200, None


Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = lbt_mods2b
        number = 5
        exprng = None, 1
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 1
        exprng = None, 60
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        exprng = 999999, None
        number = 5
        exprng = 0, None
        number = 1
        exprng = 1, 200
        lamps = XeI, ArII, ArI, NeI, KrI
        nonlinear_counts = 64879.65
        rms_threshold = 0.2
        n_first = 1
        sigdetect = 300
        maxdev_tracefit = 0.02
        spec_order = 5
        maxdev2d = 0.02
    exprng = 200, None

VLT vlt_fors2

Alterations to the default parameters are:

    spectrograph = vlt_fors2
        number = 5
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 1
            sigrej = -1
        number = 5
        number = 3
        number = 1
        illumflatten = False
        tweak_slits_thresh = 0.9
        lamps = HeI, ArI
        sigdetect = 10.0
        rms_threshold = 0.25
        maxshift = 0.5
        sigdetect = 50.0
        trace_npoly = 3
        tracethresh = 25.0
    method = boxcar