
This file summarizes several instrument specific settings that are related to the Keck/DEIMOS spectrograph.


Here are the deviations from the default settings for DEIMOS (set in the settings.keck_deimos file):

settings trace slits sigdetect 50.0
settings trace slits number -1
settings trace slits tilts params 1,1,1
settings trace slits tilts method spca
settings trace slits pca params [3,2,1,0]
settings trace slits polyorder  3
settings trace slits sobel mode nearest
settings trace slits fracignore  0.02   # 0.02 removes star boxes of 40pix size or less (and any real ones too!)
settings bias useframe overscan
settings pixelflat combine method median
settings pixelflat combine reject level [10.0,10.0]

These are tuned to the standard calibration set taken with DEIMOS. Note that the fracignore setting is designed to remove alignment star boxes from the analysis. If you have real slits which are the same size (or smaller) they too will be eliminated.