

Below we describe all of the spectrographs that may be reduced by PypeIt. We also provide any suggested tips for customizing the PypeIt file.

PypeIt Name Telescope Instrument
shane_kast_blue Lick 3m Kast dual spectrometer; blue camera
shane_kast_red Lick 3m Kast dual spectrometer; red camera
shane_kast_red_ret Lick 3m Kast dual spectrometer; red reticon
keck_lris_blue Keck LRIS spectrometer; blue camera
keck_lris_red Keck LRIS spectrometer; red camera
keck_lris_red_longonly Keck LRIS spectrometer; red camera windowed
keck_nirspec_low Keck NIRSPEC spectrometer; low-dispersion
keck_deimos Keck DEIMOS spectrometer
gemini_gnirs Gemini GNIRS spectrometer
wht_isis_blue WHT ISIS spectrometer; blue camera?
vlt_fors2 VLT FORS2 spectrometer; only a few gratings
vlt_xshooter_uvb VLT X-Shooter spectrometer; UVB camera
vlt_xshooter_vis VLT X-Shooter spectrometer; VIS camera
vlt_xshooter_nir VLT X-Shooter spectrometer; NIR camera
tnb_dolores TNG DOLORES (LRS) spectrograph; LR-R



See the Keck LRIS specific notes for more.


See the Keck DEIMOS specific notes for more.


See the VLT XShooter specific notes for more.