Running PypeIt

This document describes the process to run the reduction. It assumes:

  1. You have already properly inspected and fussed with your setups (Setups)
  2. You have entered one of the setup sub-folders
  3. You have calcheck on the custom PypeIt Reduction File and edited it as needed
  4. You have double checked that neither run calcheck nor run setup are set to True in your custom PypeIt Reduction File

See the PypeIt Cookbook for additional details.


The main script to run the PypeIt reduction is run_pypeit. It should have been installed in your Python path. Here is its usage:

usage: run_pypeit [-h] [-v VERBOSITY] [-m] [-d] [--debug_arc] pypeit_file

##  PypeIt : The Python Spectroscopic Data Reduction Pipeline v0.7.0.dev0
##  Available pipelines include:
##   armed, arms
##  Available spectrographs include:
##   isis_blue, lris_blue, kast_red, lris_red, kast_blue
##  Last updated: 07Feb2017

positional arguments:
  pypeit_file            PypeIt reduction file (must have .pypeit extension)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        (2) Level of verbosity (0-2)
  -m, --use_masters     Load previously generated MasterFrames
  -d, --develop         Turn develop debugging on
  --debug_arc           Turn wavelength/arc debugging on

Of these, only –use_masters is likely to be frequently used by the standard user. This flag will reload Master Frames from the hard-drive if they exist.

Advanced users may run with –develop to have additional logging output provided.