Installing PypeIt

This document will describe how to install PypeIt.

Installing Dependencies

Though we have tried to keep the number of dependencies low, there are a few packages that need to be installed (various python packages and linetools).

In general, we recommend that you use Anaconda for the majority of these installations.

Detailed installation instructions are presented below:

Python Dependencies

PypeIt depends on the following list of Python packages.

We recommend that you use Anaconda to install and/or update these packages.

  • python version 3.6 or later
  • numpy version 1.15.4 or later
  • astropy version 3.1 or later
  • scipy version 1.1 or later
  • matplotlib version 3.0 or later
  • numba version 0.39.0 or later (optional - some speed ups, inc. wavecal)
  • PyQT5 version 5 (needed for linetools)
  • h5py version 2.7 (for data I/O)
  • yaml – You may need to install pyyaml
  • configobj – version 5.0.6 or later
  • scikit-learn – version 0.20 or later
  • IPython – version 7.2.0 or later

If you are using Anaconda, you can check the presence of these packages with:

conda list "^python$|numpy|astropy$|scipy$|matplotlib|numba|PyQT|ginga|yaml|h5py"

If the packages have been installed, this command should print out all the packages and their version numbers.

If any of the packages are out of date, they can be updated with a command like:

conda update scipy

The following packages need to be installed by cloning from GitHub:

  • ginga JXP’s fork of Ginga
  • linetools Linetools is a package designed for the analysis of 1-D spectra.

Do not use pip install for these.

To remind you, install via GitHub with a sequence like:

git clone
cd ginga
python install

This will push the code into your Python distribution.

Installing PypeIt

We recommend that you install PypeIt with pip:

pip install pypeit

Nuff said. If you have not yet satisfied all the requirements, PypeIt will fail when you first attempt to run it. You can grab all of them (except ginga) by doing:

pip install -r path/requirements.txt

where path is to wherever pip installed the code. Or you can download the requirements.txt file and run on it directly.


In order to assess whether PypeIt has been properly installed, we suggest you run the following tests:

1. Ensure run_pypeit works

Go to a directory outside of the PypeIt directory (e.g. your home directory), then type run_pypeit.:

run_pypeit -h

2. Run the PypeIt unit tests

If you cloned the Repo (i.e., not PyPI), then you can run the standard tests by doing:

python test

3. Try the test suite – ONLY FOR DEVELOPERS

Ask for help if you really want to do this.

We have provided a suite of tests that you can download and run via this Repo: TestSuite

It can be installed as follows:

# we suggest installing this in the directory above PypeIt
git clone

To run the test:

cd PypeIt-development-suite
./pypeit_test all


pypeit_test can also take the argument kast instead of all.

The test takes a while to run but should run without issue if all the packages have been properly installed.


For the developers, see PyPI Instructions for details on how to push a new build to PyPI.